Physical Activity and The Canadian 24-Hour Guidelines
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Marla Beauchamp, PT, PhD, Assistant Professor, McMaster University
Stephanie Saunders, MA, PhD/PT student, McMaster University
Cassandra D’Amore, PhD student, BSc Hons. Kinesiology, RMT
Ava Mehidpour, HBSc MSc., PhD student, McMaster University Description:
Session Description:
“More is better than some and some is better than none: Taking a closer look at why and how we can incorporate physical activity everyday”. Join the guest speakers, Dr. Marla Beauchamp, Ms. Stephanie Saunders, Mrs. Cassandra D’Amore and Ms. Ava Mehidpour, as they identify the Canadian 24hour guidelines, navigate different types of physical activity, with a focus on light physical activity, their benefits and how to begin to engage in physical activity and various resources.